Tiny Bite Games Apps

Hex Slide 1,000 1.5.0
NOTE This is the free version of Hex Slide,which contains 1,000 levels of beginner and intermediatedifficulty. Once you've mastered some of these, try Hex Slide10,000. It contains 10,000 levels, including lots of advanced andexpert levels.**********************Do you like hex? We certainly do!If you are ready for some absolutely mind-blowing hex, thenyou'll want to check out Hex Slide 1,000 and Hex Slide 10,000, thesliding puzzle games featuring hexagonal shapes and a phenomenalnumber of unique levels -- to our knowledge more levels than anyother game in the App Store.We've asked around and we know that the puzzle game player oftoday is looking for something different, something with real hexappeal. In fact, there's a hexual revolution going on, and therules of the game have changed. Previously, images of finished woodpieces sliding across a beautifully rendered board were rarely seenon the App Store, and even then they often weren't downloadedbecause people felt so hexually repressed. But nowadays people talkopenly about hex. Almost everyone has read The Joy of Hex, or hasat least looked at the pictures. Parents talk about hex with theirkids, about how some shapes have six sides, not always four, andhow that's perfectly natural. People want to feel hexy. There's noshame in that.Of course, we've played our share of sliding block games thatuse a plain old square grid. We don't deny that those can be funand we certainly wouldn't talk badly about those games (to do sowould be hexist). But we can't seem to get our minds off of hex.Try a few levels for yourself and you'll see that once you getstarted you just can't get enough hex.And finally, we've heard that some people are concerned abouthex. They worry that hex may be addictive (these are often the samepeople who warn against hex before marriage). Well, we admit thatwe've met people, young and old, who can't put Hex Slide down oncethey start playing. But we are confident that you will actresponsibly and practice safe hex. Above all, remember that there'sa law against hex while driving, and for good reason!Game features:* 1,000 unique levels in free version; 10,000 unique levels inpaid version!* Difficulty ranges from very easy to almost impossible, andeverything in between* Animated tutorial with voice narration* Change piece colors* Program is optimized for minimal battery usage[NOTE This game requires at least 320x480 screen resolution, soit does not work with low-resolution devices like the htcWildfire.]
Gem Spinner Lite 1.5.8
"Goodness we thought Bejewelled was the best!Wrong- Gem Spinner IS :O) - I fought to get my 'phone afterdownloading Bejewelled. After loading GEM SPINNER, my phone is gonebefore I awake. I have to use the landline to make phone callsnow.:O)) Get this- you won't be disappointed. Keeps you on yourtoes. Enjoy." -- Sunihugz"great app - totally addictive and worth the money. seriously.nicely done" -- el bijouxe"Now this really IS unique... - I haven't run into anything elselike this...it's my favorite game, and I've tried close to 50 ofthem. Nice job!" -- ExcelGeek"Great game - Great take on bejeweled, so much more engaging.Well worth the money." -- TechnoGirrl"Best.Game.Ever. - If you're a match-3 fan, BUY THIS GAME. It'sthe most fun, intriguing, addicting game I've ever played. I playit every day without fail and never get bored or tired of it. Iwish they would add more levels and also release a PC version ofthis game!! I love it!!" -- ck428"[Gem Spinner] completely changes the whole dynamic of thematch-3 formula, and in a good way that doesn’t come off as anattempt to be different just for the sake of being different. Realthought was put into the design of this game, both functionally andaesthetically, and it shows. There’s a genuinely entertaining gamehere with lasting appeal that brings some unexpected twists to thetable — literally and figuratively — and adds a savory dash oflogical thinking to this otherwise staid puzzle formula." --frapstr.comThis is the free, lite version of Gem Spinner, which contains areduced number of levels and does not save your scores.Gem Spinner is match-3 like you’ve never played before! It’sbased on the popular gem-swapping game play of Bejeweled, but addssome great twists – some like Tetris, some brand new – that make itmuch more engaging and thought provoking, but still easy to learnand play.Gems are arranged inside of pieces of different shapes andsizes. Swap adjacent gems to match three in a row. Double-tap a gemto spin its piece 180 degrees. Match all the gems in a piece toclear the piece from the board. Drag pieces to empty board spacesto create more match opportunities. Match enough spaces to completethe level goal and then continue to swap, spin, and drag to try toclear the entire board.Full version features:• 35 unique levels which can be played at a variety of skilllevels.• Great graphics and sound effects.• Optimized for minimal battery drain• Animated, narrated instructions explain all aspects of gameplay.• Practice mode available with hints on every move.• Easy to learn, easy to play, hard to master.• Tracks your best scores.[IMPORTANT NOTE This game requires at least 320x480 screenresolution, so it does not work with low-resolution devices likethe htc Wildfire. It also requires a device with a dedicatedGPU.]*** Please contact us at [email protected] ifyou have ANY problems with this game. We will resolve them. ***
Gem Spinner II 1.5.10
At long last, the sequel to the hit game Gem Spinner has arrived!